I'm a man, not a contact!

Episode 13 October 11, 2017 01:17:56
I'm a man, not a contact!
You don't look like a runner
I'm a man, not a contact!

Oct 11 2017 | 01:17:56


Hosted By

Jon Hickman

Show Notes

Back by popular demand, we present _Nick’s Shit Bluetooth Headphone Review_. Yes, this week Nick goes into detail on his new Apple AirPods. We reminisce about early 2000s route planning websites, cut a swathe through follow up, and pit £160 Bluetooth ear buds against £20 ones. Nick is having an identity crisis, Jon finds out if he’s running the London Marathon, and we fail to find out the age of WWE legend The Undertaker. ## Show Notes * Email us like Joe from Texas did [email protected]. * Nick doesn’t live on a [trap street](https://gizmodo.com/the-fake-places-that-only-exist-to-catch-copycat-cartog-1695414770)—his road is very big and real. * [You really shouldn’t address things to people by their nickname. Or send stuff to their cat](https://www.huffingtonpost.com/entry/cat-needs-id-for-package-pickup_us_56682b0be4b080eddf56359f). * [Occupational surnames](http://brilliantmaps.com/european-surnames/). * [The Undertaker is 52](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Undertaker). * [Taker’s AirPods](https://twitter.com/runnerpod/status/917790669409792000). * [How do they fit in your ears](https://m.xkcd.com/1899/)? * [The W1 chip](https://9to5mac.com/guides/w1/) (we misspoke it as A5, that’s a tablet/phone chip). W1 is common to AirPod and BeatsX (also Beats Solo3 and Powerbeats3). * Our evergreen pic for running Bluetooth headphones: the [aLLreLi Soba](https://www.amazon.co.uk/Bluetooth-Headphones-Retractable-Foldable-Universal/dp/B015XLF8BQ/ref=as_li_ss_tl?ie=UTF8&qid=1502308693&sr=8-2-spell&keywords=allarelli+bluetooth&linkCode=sl1&tag=likearunner-21&linkId=707901223a99f1ae6273ebf280184a0f). * VLM18 London Marathon, [ballot and entry FAQs](https://www.virginmoneylondonmarathon.com/en-gb/faqs/). * Jon wrote an essay [about how Birmingham invented the London Marathon](http://runnerpod.com/b/357b730a6c9046/)—there are actual facts in it, it's an interesting bit of history. * [Quickly Kevin, will he score?](https://www.quicklykevin.com/), our new favourite 90s football podcast. You can find us on [Apple Podcasts](https://itunes.apple.com/gb/podcast/you-dont-look-like-a-runner/id1259875775?mt=2), [Stitcher](http://www.stitcher.com/podcast/you-dont-look-like-a-runner?refid=stpr), on [Pocket Casts](http://pca.st/YXAA) and [Overcast](https://overcast.fm/itunes1259875775/you-dont-look-like-a-runner) or anywhere you like to get podcasts. Please do subscribe and leave us some reviews. It’s a huge help and it’s nice to know that you care. We are online at [runnerpod.com](http://www.runnerpod.com/) where you can look through old episodes, read show notes and [blog posts](http://runnerpod.com/b/). Comments, questions and thoughts please tweet us [@runnerpod](http://www.twitter.com/runnerpod) [@jonhickman](http://www.twitter.com/jonhickman) or [@ngmoreton](http://www.twitter.com/ngmoreton). You can email us [email protected]. Thanks to [Podiant](http://podiant.co/)—professional-grade podcast hosting at a price you choose—for supporting _You Don’t Look Like a Runner_.

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