
Episode 5 August 09, 2017 01:19:41
You don't look like a runner

Aug 09 2017 | 01:19:41


Hosted By

Jon Hickman

Show Notes

Yes the rumours are true: this is a podcast about running and tech, and we have opinions on Bluetooth headphones. We discuss the joys of shopping at Decathlon and the ethical problems of shopping at Sports Direct, we spend a little bit too long discussing the geography of the West Midlands, and there’s been a terrible, terrible accident. Nick tries to be a better f* __ck*ng person, Jon does not, and we finally commence Nick and Jon’s Sh*t __Bluetooth Headphone Review. ## This week * Don’t say f** __k or b*gg*er __, but if you do [give £5 to Shelter](https://england.shelter.org.uk/donate). * [Bombhead](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bombhead) is actually from [Hollyoaks](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hollyoaks). * OB (also from Hollyoaks) [looks like](https://twitter.com/roundonefight/status/626740850215796736) the Australian bowler [Josh Hazelwood](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Josh_Hazlewood). * A [list of approved teatime swears](http://hallofthewendigo.informe.com/forum/neighbours-f135/swear-words-that-only-exist-in-neighbours-t1667.html). * Friends don’t let friends [go to Decathlon drunk](https://twitter.com/runnerpod/status/895369781402054658). * Sports Direct [treats staff appallingly](http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-derbyshire-36855374) and [their owner knows it](http://www.telegraph.co.uk/business/2016/07/21/mike-ashley-turned-a-blind-eye-to-appalling-conditions-at-sports/). * As far as we can see, Decathlon is pretty responsible and decent, [with recognition for responsible buying processes](http://www.bipiz.org/en/advanced-search/the-responsible-buying-process-at-oxylane.html), [good employment practices](http://www.bipiz.org/en/advanced-search/decathlon-would-like-to-reconcile-pro-lifeprivate-life-for-all-its-employees.html) (it ‘won the 4th place in the “Great Place to Work” ranking in 2014 and 2015’) and [clear policies on sustainability](http://sustainability.decathlon.com/faq/). * Some good shoe chat on [Diz Runs Radio episode 444](https://player.fm/series/diz-runs-with/444-jonathan-beverly) * We reviewed Bluetooth headphones! * Top pick: [the aLLreli Soba](http://amzn.to/2vQ5RjN) which is a **neckband style**. We also talked about: * [over ear style](http://amzn.to/2wIWZJ1) which are great for battery life but not for running. * [in-ear with wire](http://amzn.to/2vQqEnx)—these are great but tend to fail quickly. * [Bluetooth versions](https://www.cnet.com/uk/news/the-power-of-bluetooth-4-0-itll-change-your-life/). * [Banning headphones at races](https://www.runbritain.com/news/wearing-of-headphones-in-road-races). * [Is the Apple Watch a decent running watch](https://www.dcrainmaker.com/2017/02/apple-watch-series2-nike-edition-review.html)? * The [Motion Stills](https://itunes.apple.com/gb/app/motion-stills-create-with-live-photos/id1086172168?mt=8) app. * There’s [been a terrible accident](https://www.instagram.com/p/BXRChd8jWou/?taken-by=roundonefight). You can find us on [Apple Podcasts](https://itunes.apple.com/gb/podcast/you-dont-look-like-a-runner/id1259875775?mt=2), [Stitcher](http://www.stitcher.com/podcast/you-dont-look-like-a-runner?refid=stpr), on [Pocket Casts](http://pca.st/YXAA) and [Overcast](https://overcast.fm/itunes1259875775/you-dont-look-like-a-runner) or anywhere you like to get podcasts. Please do subscribe and leave us some reviews. It’s a huge help and it’s nice to know that you care. We are online at [runnerpod.com](http://www.runnerpod.com/) where you can look through old episodes, read show notes and blog posts. Comments, questions and thoughts please tweet us [@runnerpod](http://www.twitter.com/runnerpod) [@jonhickman](http://www.twitter.com/jonhickman) or [@ngmoreton](http://www.twitter.com/ngmoreton). You can email us [email protected]. Thanks to [Podiant](http://podiant.co/)—professional-grade podcast hosting at a price you choose—for supporting _You Don’t Look Like a Runner_.

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