A collection of arbitrary juices

Episode 41 March 05, 2019 00:58:03
A collection of arbitrary juices
You don't look like a runner
A collection of arbitrary juices

Mar 05 2019 | 00:58:03


Hosted By

Jon Hickman

Show Notes

Sorry everyone, but this is You Don’t Look Like a Runner and we are back. This week intellecual property will be stolen, Nick gets upstaged by Jon's other podcast husband, Jon makes like the Jesus of North Birmingham, and you, dear listener, are very much put in your place. * [160bpm Punk: run punk run on Spotify](https://open.spotify.com/user/spotify/playlist/37i9dQZF1DXbLSzx0CLgOw?si=E-DTPFNOTPOcnouY2QuCHQ) * [The Mania Half is coming, 7th April 2019](https://themaniahalf.co.uk/) * [We have a Slack. We don't know why](http://bit.ly/runnerslack) Talk to us on [Slack](http://bit.ly/runnerslack) or tweet us [@runnerpod](https://twitter.com/runnerpod). Our email address is only for advance fee fraudsters now.

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